Is your website completely mobile-friendly? On one of my webinars recently, 7 small business owners volunteered to have their websites assessed. Only one of them failed the Google Mobile Friendly Test. So far, so good.
The problem was: ALL of the mobile-friendly sites had at least a few serious design or readability flaws on smartphones and tablets.
Look at each page of your site on a variety of mobile devices.
What tests like Google’s can’t tell you is:
- whether a headline is overlapping lines
- whether a slideshow is resizing properly
- whether justified text is reading well (another reason never to use justified text on the web)
- whether every page layout reflows in a way that’s good for visitors
It’s not enough to have a responsive design. You need to know that every element on every page is showing correctly on any kind of device.
Fortunately, it’s easy to do – you don’t need to go out and buy an iPad, an iPad mini, an iPhone, an Adroid tablet, an Android phone, etc.
Every browser these days has a tool for viewing websites as if you’re on a mobile device. These allow you to quickly switch between virtually any major type or brand of device.
However, it’s also important that you visit your site an actual mobile device, simply to get a feel for how users are truly interacting with your pages – something your browser can’t tell you.
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