Every November, during Black Friday sales, you’ll be inundated with ads for 70% or more off hosting for your website. Stay calm and don’t get caught up in the frenzy. Bad hosting is bad, even if it’s really really cheap. Sure, most hosting companies, good or bad, will move your existing site for free in […]
Hosting Account Suspended Because Of Malware
Had an email the other day from a website owner who woke to find this in place of his website and a warning email from his hosting company:
Why Multiple Domains On One Hosting Account Can Be A Security Risk
Have only one domain per hosting account. That’s my rule of thumb. If you want to know why, when there are exceptions, and how to best manage multiple domains, then read on! Hosting companies are quick to sell you on the idea of hosting multiple domains on a single account… …and business owners are quick […]