Anchor text is the clickable text that visitors see in a hyperlink; text that’s usually uniquely coloured, underlined, or both. Best practice is to make this anchor text descriptive of what visitors are going to get when they click the link. The other day I came across this example of weak anchor text: In this […]
When Sending Away Visitors Is A Good Thing
I often hear clients say they don’t want any external links on their site because that will take visitors away. But sending them away can be a good thing. I was working with a liquor store on improving their content and one of the pieces they were working on was a history of wine. The first […]
Don’t Accidently Remove Links
In the computing world, sometimes an X means “close a window” and sometimes it means “remove this.” And sometimes I forget which is which. As of WordPress 4.3 when you click a link in the content editor, you get a little popup toolbar like this: Sometimes when I’m in a hurry, I click the big X at the end […]