Every November, during Black Friday sales, you’ll be inundated with ads for 70% or more off hosting for your website. Stay calm and don’t get caught up in the frenzy. Bad hosting is bad, even if it’s really really cheap. Sure, most hosting companies, good or bad, will move your existing site for free in […]
Find WordPress Help Online
Finding online help with your WordPress site has gotten easier over the years. There are thousands of sites offering tutorials and advice. Here’s a list of the ones I would recommend using. I’m only listing free sites here, but there are many paid support sites, including support sites for paid plugins and themes. Official Help […]
A List Of Sites To Help Choose Google Fonts
Google Fonts contains a huge library of free web fonts you can use on your site, but choosing a good combination of headline and body fonts is not easy (on this site I’m using Oswald for the headings and Lora for the body text). Here are some sites that make the job easier: Font Pair […]
A List of Free Image Websites
Updated May 2016 We all know how important it is to have relevant and interesting images in your content, but when you don’t have an image of your own to use, buying a great photo isn’t always an option. Thankfully, there are lots of places to get free legal stock photos. (Please don’t tell me you’re going on Google […]